The application period is over. "> The application period is over. "> The application period is over. ">
<head><style>@keyframes fadeIn{from{opacity:0;transform:translate(0,30px)}to{opacity:1;transform:translate(0,0)}}.cta{position:fixed;bottom:16px;left:0;right:0;margin:0 auto;display:flex;align-self:center;align-items:center;justify-content:center;width:88%;max-width:708px;height:48px;color:#000;background-color:#fff;text-decoration:none;border-radius:8px;font-weight:700;font-size:20px;transition:.3s;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 4px 2px rgba(55,53,47,.4);-moz-box-shadow:0 0 4px 2px rgba(55,53,47,.4);box-shadow:0 0 4px 2px rgba(55,53,47,.4);animation:.8s ease fadeIn;font-family:inter,sans-serif}</style></head><body><a class="cta" target="_blank" style="z-index:9999" href=
The application period is over.</a></body>

Application period February 17-February 21

Notice (Click ▶ , you can see the details )

If you use 'Internet Explorer', an error may occur, so it is recommended to use 'Google Chrome' or 'Safari'.

Existing alien registration card must be submitted to Hanyang University International Team to complete the application.

Application for permission to 'change of status of sojourn'(visa type) is applied when you want to change your status of sojourn in Korea.

D4(Language Training)→D2-2(Bachelor) D4(Language Training)→D2-3(Master) D4(Language Training)→D2-4(Doctor) Other visa changes such as B1→D2

*The issuance will take about 5 weeks after the submitted application gets granted by the immigration office.


  1. Apply by clicking the APPLY 😃 button below
  2. Preparation of all required documents provided by HireVisa.
  3. Submit documents online following the instructions provided by HireVisa